News at Yankee Farmer's Market
Fall 2024
Yankee Farmer's Market is featured in Bison World Magazine:
See the full magazine here. YFM is on pages 26-28.

October 2, 2024
Watch NH Chronicle to see the full interview with Jean Mackin and Yankee Farmer's Market! Where the Buffalo Roam
July 2024
YFM hosts the National Bison Association Eastern Bison Conference at Pitcher Mountain Farm.

June 2024
YFM hosts Open Farm Day in celebration with the town of Stoddard's 250 year celebration.

August 2023
YFM hosts Ken Burns at Pitcher Mountain farm as he visits the farm getting up close and personal with the buffalo. Sharing some time with the buffalo before the launch of his documentary "The American Buffalo" on PBS.

February 2023
Pitcher Mountain Diego turns 6!
Read more about Diego the viral sensation, and how he's doing today.
April 2022
Keira Farmer weighs in on the article from New Hampshire Public Radio about how More local food could increase New England's climate resilience.
March 2022
See our article in, Scottish Highland Cattle at Pitcher Mountain Farm.
Yankee Farmer's Market Meat CSA program partners with Renewal Garden & Compost to add home delivery to several Southern NH towns including Amherst, Bedford, Concord, Derry, Goffstown, Hooksett, Londonderry, Manchester, Merrimack, and Windham.
October 2021
The Concord Monitor spotlights images of the buffalo here at the Warner farm.
February 2021
Hired a Store Manager, Katie Molloy joins the YFM team.
May 2018
Hired a new Farm Manager
Phillip Rush added to the YFM team.
April 15, 2017
Easter Egg Hunt
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
All kids are welcome!
Compost pickup
8:00 am - 11:00 am
Please call ahead (603) 456-2833 or email us today.
Delivery is available.
April 1, 2017
As of today, Pitcher Mountain Diego is doing wonderfully and his original video on Facebook has over 16 million views!
March 17, 2017
Pitcher Mountain Diego and Mom are doing great!
July 1, 2016
Learn about our Innovative Heavy Use Area project moving along nicely here at the farm. Our project aims to demonstrate effective heavy-use areas for bison that can be replicated in this growing industry throughout New Hampshire and the Northeast.
April 1, 2016
Compost / Manure / Loam Available. Give your garden a healthy boost this year. We have compost / manure / loam for your garden and yard. Works extremely well. It is Ready to go. We will load with a tractor. Now scheduling delivery/pickups - our farm accepts credit cards. $35/ tractor bucketload (1.25 cu yards). Delivery available.
March 23, 2016
Read today's Concord Monitor article entitled, “Buffalo bill has some farmers at odds”. Read Brian’s concerns about a bill poised to be passed into law that intends to allow buffalo farmers to slaughter their own animals.
March 21, 2016
Warner gets hit by an earthquake right near the farm. Watch the news video piece including Erik being interviewed by NH1.
March 16, 2016
A good friend of YFM, Alvin Clark on the radio talking about maple, and buffalo, and offers a buffalo chili recipe using maple. We get our maple syrup from him and we helped get his buffalo farm started. Listen in now to What's Cooking with Luca, featuring Alvin Clark from Clark's Sugar house in Langdon.
March 7, 2015
YFM announcing our new website.
October 1-4, 2015
Come visit the buffalo wagon at the Deerfield Fair in NH.
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz stopped by the buffalo wagon to flip some burgers.
September 24-27, 2015
Come visit the buffalo wagon at the Durham Fair in Durham, CT.
September 4-7, 2015
Come visit the buffalo wagon at the Hopkinton Fair in NH.
August 22, 2015
Keira is featured in NH Women Farmers book.

August 10, 2015
July 7, 2015
Summer Session 2 of NH Community Seafood's CSF, New Hampshire's only Community Supported Fishery has begun! All those local to the farm, support your local fisherman, and sign up for this session right on the New Hampshire Community Seafood website. Then pick up your fish each week right here at our farm in Warner on Thursday.
May 16 & 17, 2015
Customer Appreciation Day at the farm. Everything in-store and on the website is 5% off! The perfect time to get stocked up for Memorial weekend festivities! The sale is for TWO DAYS ONLY, don't miss it!
May 11, 2015
Compost available for sale. $35.00 per scoop. One scoop is 1.25 cubic yards. Pickup at our farm is available.
Trucking is available for drop-off for a $40.00 fee. Our truck holds 5 cubic yards.
May 10, 2015
Two baby buffalo and two Scottish Highland babies were born this week!
May 1, 2015
All those local to the farm, support your local fisherman and sign up for the Community Supported Fishery (CSF). It provides consumers with a weekly share of the freshest, most delicious fish available in our NH waters. Simply sign up on the New Hampshire Community Seafood website and pick up your fish each week right here at our farm in Warner on Thursday.
April 25, 2015
Launched our new website!
Spring 2015
Lots of new things happening on our farm. Our first Scottish Highland baby was born on April 20th. Piglets and buffalo calves are on their way. Hay season is right around the corner and this summer we will start our development of a new innovative feeding area for our buffalo on our Warner Farm.
September 2014
See our mention in the article "The Cuisine Scene Along I-89 in NH, Looking for charm near and far".
September 20, 2014
Come join us for a delicious buffalo burger or cheesesteak at The Deerfield Fair.
August 8, 2013
Rosie had a baby buffalo!
March 16, 2013
Yankee Farmer's Market Sponsors NH Ski Up event to help support New England Handicapped Sports Association. NH SkiUp was created as a fun way to bring people together to enjoy a low-cost way of skiing/boarding, good food, and quality networking with local business owners.
September 26, 2012
29 Piglets born 9/17-9/19.
Come visit our new additions. They are as happy as a pig in... well you know the rest. 3 Momma pigs and 29 babies in all. Come see the new life on our farm!
March 21, 2012
The Boston Globe online article
N.H. store serves up buffalo, elk, and ostrich - Meat lovers are game for something different.
June 19, 2008
From farm to grill - Where to find locally raised meat
Article by the Hippo Press
Have you heard of the Huckaburger? The Barley House in Concord featured a Huckaburger with our buffalo meat for Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee during the NH Primary. An herb-seared bison patty with baby spinach, on a whole-wheat English muffin, with a deep-fried pickle on the side.
The Huckaburger.
Named after former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, the lunch item retails for $8.95.
"It's lean, it's mean, it's healthy," said Huckabee as he made his way through the crowded tavern.
Upon spotting this reporter, he said, "Try a Huckaburger! It's good!"
Blog post on Wicked Flavory.
December of 2003
Yankee Farmer's Market Featured in The NH Cookbook, From Farm to Kitchen
A NH Cookbook featuring NH farm stories and recipes came out. Written by Helen Brody, a local author, this book is a great reference for finding farms in your area, as well as providing some great recipes.
April 3, 2002
The Farmers were Featured in Boston's Christian Science Monitor and the Boston Metro Newspaper.
From the April 3, 2002 edition New England buffalo farmer sees bright future
WARNER, N.H. Ten years ago, Brian Farmer was cramming for his SATs, making plans for the senior prom, and hanging out with friends, like a typical teenager. Unlike his New Hampshire classmates, however, he was also simultaneously launching a buffalo ranch. On pasture fields leased from his family in Hillsboro, in southern New Hampshire, five of the massive, dusky animals - so redolent of the Old West - became the focus of his fledgling farm, christened Yankee Farmer's Market...
April 5, 2010
Kearsarge Valley Magazine Video Segment on Yankee Farmer's Market.