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Yankee Farmer's Market supplies Farm Raised, Natural meats Nationwide. Because our meats are so healthy and the animals are raised in Natural settings, we service a wide variety of customers. In addition, our meats are super flavorful, tender, and delicious. Some of our customers include:

~ Consumers on specific diets
~ Consumers with Allergies, illnesses, or conditions
~ Pets on specific diets
~ Health Food Stores
~ Butcher Shops
~ Food Cooperatives
~ Restaurants
We ship nationwide right to your door.

Or, find our meat at any of the following locations, plus many more!

New Hampshire:
Butcher Boy - North Andover, MA
Johnson Golden Harvest - Hookset, NH
Pat's Peak - Henniker, NH
Achille Agway - Hillsboro, NH
Sweet Beet Market - Bradford, NH
Lebanon food Cooperative - Lebanon, NH
Vernon Family Farm - Newfields, NH

Singleton's General Store - Proctorsville, VT

Family Dinner - Woburn, MA